Co-regulation is when your body finds safety in another body, but that doesn't always mean humans. Plants, elements, and vibrations are beings as well. This special 2 hour session will combine the medicine of sound with the practice of embodiment through somatics.
Join Luis Mojica (somatic therapist) & Evan Glenn Adams (somatic sound healer) as they weave their medicines together in this special event that helps your body access unexplored places within it through community, somatic practices, and sound.
Relating to Sound: Somatic Sound Healing w/ Evan Glenn-Adams & Luis Mojica
Calendar of Events
Upcoming Events
Sliding Scale Pool: While there is technically no sliding scale at The Forest Haven, there is a sliding scale pool.
Here's how it works: Some community members pay more than the ticket price, and this surplus is deposited into an escrow-like account. This money is reserved and utilized when someone lacks the financial means to attend. This system operates seamlessly, enabling people to attend for any amount within their means. It also ensures facilitators are fully compensated without revealing who availed of this service.
If your financial means would not allow you to come to this gathering, please message me directly and we will talk about dipping into the Sliding Scale Pool.
Refunds: The Forest Haven does not offer refunds. If someone pays and can't attend, they are encouraged to transfer their entry to a friend and notify me of the transfer. In the event of a sold-out gathering, any extra funds from those unable to attend will contribute to the sliding scale pool for the community's benefit.